When to prepare your CV and how to prepare it.

Candidate: I need help with my CV
Recruiter: Sure, let’s have a look
Candidate: I’m not getting any interviews at all, so something must be wrong

There are so many people sitting in this same situation where they drew up a quick CV or used some arb CV template that doesn’t really work.

They didn’t take the time to really draw up a proper CV to represent them and clearly states their experience and what they are looking for.

If you are looking for a new job, your 1st responsibility is to get your CV looking great – no, not all sorts of graphics and colours – it has to read easy and clearly state your experience as well as a small paragraph about what you are looking for.

You need to clearly state your skills and if in IT please mention your technical skills and not just: Hard working, team player, etc.

Put the time in to get your CV near as perfect.

Speak to someone who can have a look at your CV and give you advice.

You can’t start applying for roles is this step was overlooked. What will happen? You won’t get any interviews.

Looking for a new role is not easy, it is frustrating, but you can assist yourself by not missing this 1st step!


If you need assistance with getting your CV ready to apply for jobs then please get in touch with us:


IT: Therese Otten

Anything outside of IT: Chantelle Vermeulen


We offer coaching as well – visit this page