January in Recruitment

January is a real important month in recruitment and as recruiters we know how tough it can be to get back into the swing of things after a December holiday.

As recruiters we are relying on the business we pull in now to carry us through February and beyond.

I love movies, I find them quite inspiring. So I have geared up a few motivational sales movies for inspiration: Hopefully this will inspire you as fellow recruiter ( even candidate or client)to get fired up and make 2020 your best year so far!

Wolf of Wall Street

Based on the true story of Jason Bedford; an infamous Wall Street broker who set up his own firm in the 1980s, scrambled his way up to becoming a multimillionaire but fell into a world of debauchery, crime and corruption.

Whilst the story doesn’t end well for Bedford, there are loads of great scenes in this film that will light a fire under any self-respecting salesperson. The most famous is of these is the ‘pick up the phone’ scene, were Bedford declares:

“Are you behind on your credit card bills? Good, pick up the phone and start dialing… I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich!”

Wow, what a reminder to each of us that that sales is one of the few professions in the world where we have the power to change our circumstances if we simply pick up the phone and win some business.

A Family Man

One of the few films that I have seen that is about recruiting. It follows Dane Jensen, a successful headhunter, whose ambitions to become a top manager at his agency are put under strain when his young son is diagnosed with a serious illness.

A Family Man won’t let you forget that recruitment is a competitive job. You’re always competing – whether with other agencies, in house recruiters, colleagues and even yourself. That feeling you get of being the top income generator.

This film is also a stark reminder that there’s more to life than recruitment – no matter how addictive the success is.

The Pursuit of Happyness

Truly one of my all-time favourites.  The true story of Chris Gardner, from rags-to-riches. As a struggling single parent, being homeless undertakes a competitive internship as a stockbroker. How is that for having a lot on your plate! Gardner’s self-determination and clever tactics result in him winning a permanent position at the company and ultimately, free him from poverty.

What a testament to the idea that if you work hard and smart enough, you can achieve the unthinkable.

It’s also a s reminder that when working in sales, as Gardner puts it, “The cavalry ain’t coming, you got to do this yourself.” you have to create your own luck!

It’s an absolute must-see if you feel there’s not enough hours in your workday. The invaluable lesson for any recruiter is – Gardner’s productivity hacks make his sales calls so efficient that he’s able to claw back hours in his day.

Jerry Maguire

Now this movie is another favourite of mine. After publishing a manifesto criticising the unethical practices in his firm, Jerry Maguire is fired. Recognising that if his clients succeed, he will too. Or in his words: “help me, help you!”. Jerry sets up his own agency, without the bull dust.

Jerry Maguire reminds me that helping instead of selling not only drives sales, it also cements stronger relationships with our clients and candidates and wins DataTech repeat business. This is especially important in the recruitment industry which is plagued by a reputation of pushy, greedy recruiters.

Genuine actions show you’re credible and sincere, and people will always do business with people they like and respect.


If you’re having a tough month, this story will inspire you to keep going.

It is a story based on true events. Following Joy Mangano, an inventor who started her own company in the early 1990’s. The film traces her journey in growing her company from the ground up to become a multi-million dollar business, despite the many knock-backs that come her way.

A reminder that setbacks make us stronger and ultimately, help us find success.

Resilience is one of the most important competencies for any recruiter, and in this film, Joy serves resilience by the spade!

There is one more movie…..but that I leave for my next blog.

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