The evolving role of recruitment

The role of recruitment is evolving. Especially now that Covid has dictated some new rules. Recruitment will become more consultative, a consumer experience. (Especially for candidates – Amazon…click and buy, must be as easy a process as that).

Good news is that demand will rise again now that more businesses have started operating again, the challenge is that expectations have also risen. Yes, we will continue to see some disruptions. But rest assured, companies will be looking to re-staff their teams. Investing in their staff that will be the future managers of that company.

Look at your customers and their evolving needs, will you be able to service them and how will you service them in future?

As a client your planning should be more agile to keep up with your changing hiring needs. As DataTech, we advise you and assist you to flex with those changes. Our approach is diligent. Start with the “end” in mind. Get an executable strategy.

We assist you in anticipating needs and help solve problems and spot opportunities for your hiring needs. This is a human industry. Focus on technologies that are connecting humans faster.

( Do you feel like a deer in the headlight now that the backlash of Covid is coming through?)

See it as an exciting time to be in this space., it is also a time where opportunity abounds.  So well informed and forward-thinking leaders  tend to think at what problem am I trying to solve, before jumping in. Let DataTech help you solve a specific issue in your workflow or your process have a better chance of a good outcome and it is not so daunting if you are able to employ your thinking in that way.

The recruitment agencies of the future must master new skills, master new matrix and challenges. Automation will become more important…and remote work is here to stay. More people are working from home. Culture is less defined by 4 walls and an office. There is the culture I set up at home, online and on-screen. Technological sophistication. But your job still has a salary tied to it. Work anytime anywhere.

Technology is enabling you to keep up.

DataTech is here to help you prepare for that future, to share ideas and gain inspiration, and to elevate your business together. We do not have a one size fits all mentality. At DataTech we strive for a better seamless experience

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