New year’s resolutions or revolution?

New year’s resolutions or revolution? We should have a longing for something deeper, more profound. Something that permeated one’s whole being but was still unreadable in the corridors written for your heart. I realised one had to tread softly to get to that place, as not to have yourself pull back…

The evolving role of recruitment

The evolving role of recruitment The role of recruitment is evolving. Especially now that Covid has dictated some new rules. Recruitment will become more consultative, a consumer experience. (Especially for candidates – Amazon…click and buy, must be as easy a process as that). Good news is that demand will rise…

Productive downtime during Lock-down

Productive downtime during Lock-down I watched a clip from the dynamic Jay Shetty the other day. He once again offered another example: following a keen interest down the rabbit hole is sure to change your life in ways you can’t yet imagine. Timeless Strategies for achieving contentment and feelings of purpose.…

Business Continuity

Business Continuity Given the current volatile economic climate, even the most established businesses are looking to steady their feet firmly on the ground.Let’s face it. Social distancing is our new norm, and to be socially responsible is not just a nice-to-have, but a necessity (just like those toilet rolls).  Whilst…

Coronavirus leaving you breathless?

Coronavirus leaving you breathless? Admit it, you only clicked on this article because I put Coronavirus in the title. Coronavirus is everywhere you look; the media have whipped us all up into a frenzy and convinced everyone that we need to stockpile 10 years’ worth of hand sanitizer, face masks,…

Coffee with DataTech

Coffee with DataTech Being a recruiter ROCKS!!I love being a recruiter! Seriously, I think it is the best profession in the world. Scary thing is that 80% of people who enter this industry, fail in the first 2 years, leave, and are never seen again. Know what, it is true… being…

Walking a Tightrope Act

Walking a Tightrope Act The exhilaration of landing the next engagement, next placement, the discipline, concentration, and grace that mastering my profession require,  is like doing a Tightrope act. No two days are the same! Many people out there have asked me what I do. On hearing that I am…

Why the buzz around DataTech

Why the buzz around DataTech I was curious as to what made DataTech Recruitment so different to other agencies out there… In an interview with Therese Otten, owner of DataTech Recruitment – We talked about recognizing talent for clients over the years and helping candidates find the right fit.  She…

January in Recruitment

January in Recruitment January is a real important month in recruitment and as recruiters we know how tough it can be to get back into the swing of things after a December holiday. As recruiters we are relying on the business we pull in now to carry us through February…